Princeton University Library Catalog
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- In the Library31,174
- Online26,343
- Audio29,498
- Book10,368
- Data file17
- Databases1
- Journal5
- Manuscript464
- Microform494
- Musical score13,614
- Video/Projected medium4,135
- Visual material8
- Operas56,985
- Orchestral music2,333
- Overtures2,147
- Songs (High voice) with orchestra1,516
- Ballets1,353
- Symphonies1,330
- Suites (Orchestra)1,286
- Music1,177
- Songs (High voice) with piano859
- Live sound recordings759
- Operas21,346
- Excerpts16,431
- Librettos8,895
- Vocal scores with piano6,073
- Arrangements (Music)5,219
- Scores5,177
- Drama4,455
- Vocal scores4,413
- Excerpts, Arranged3,298
- Video recordings2,120
- Full orchestra2,571
- Piano1,684
- Soprano voice1,307
- Tenor voice836
- Baritone voice563
- Choruses, Mixed535
- Bass voice528
- Mezzo soprano voice435
- Violin331
- Voices, Unspecified309
- Germany9,470
- England8,518
- New York (State)8,463
- Italy8,151
- No place, unknown, or undetermined5,301
- France4,230
- China1,447
- United States1,157
- Austria1,093
- Netherlands938
- M - Music27,248
- P - Language & Literature545
- PR - English Literature226
- PN - Literature (General)111
- PQ - French, Italian, Spanish & Portuguese Literature104
- PS - American Literature36
- PT - Germanic & Scandinavian Literatures27
- PL - Languages & Literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania19
- PG - Slavic, Baltic, Albanian Languages, Russian Language & Literature11
- PZ - Children's Literature6
- P - Language & Literature2
- PK - Indo-Iranian Languages & Literature2
- A - General Works215
- C - Historical Sciences (Archaeology, Genealogy)140
- Z - Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources30
- R - Medicine28
- G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation13
- D - World History10
- S - Agriculture6
- B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion5