Princeton University Library Catalog
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- In the Library104,323
- Online12,392
- Audio100
- Book116,870
- Data file31
- Databases3
- Journal1,041
- Manuscript882
- Map2
- Microform387
- Musical score4
- Video/Projected medium30
- Visual material18
- English52,902
- Spanish17,286
- Arabic7,711
- Russian7,372
- French6,588
- German6,156
- Greek, Modern (1453-)3,156
- Italian3,013
- Portuguese2,542
- Latin2,207
- Poetry18,439
- American poetry6,607
- History and criticism6,203
- English poetry3,735
- History3,454
- Arabic poetry2,164
- Criticism and interpretation1,770
- United States1,560
- Canadian poetry1,372
- Poetics1,170
- Poetry102,841
- poetry12,584
- Translations into English2,809
- Poems2,295
- Early works to 18002,166
- Juvenile poetry1,513
- Broadsides1,327
- Periodicals1,129
- Fiction1,046
- Primary sources1,021
- 21st century9,927
- 20th century7,235
- 2000-20994,959
- 1900-19992,407
- 19th century1,573
- 18th century760
- 21e siècle586
- 17th century570
- 1900-2099397
- United States: Civil War, 1861-1865272
- United States2,679
- England926
- Spain890
- Italy842
- Great Britain830
- Greece700
- Ireland671
- France620
- New Jersey615
- Canada598
- England11,599
- New York (State)8,763
- Russia (Federation)6,551
- Spain5,322
- Germany5,020
- France3,263
- Lebanon2,915
- Italy2,898
- Massachusetts2,797
- Greece2,741
- P - Language & Literature94,003
- PQ - French, Italian, Spanish & Portuguese Literature21,093
- PS - American Literature18,605
- PR - English Literature14,291
- PG - Slavic, Baltic, Albanian Languages, Russian Language & Literature7,908
- PJ - Oriental Languages & Literature7,016
- PN - Literature (General)6,691
- PT - Germanic & Scandinavian Literatures5,120
- PA - Greek & Latin Language & Literature4,770
- PL - Languages & Literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania4,566
- PK - Indo-Iranian Languages & Literature1,742
- B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion1,318
- D - World History843
- A - General Works530
- N - Fine Arts436
- Z - Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources418
- E - History of the Americas (General)229
- M - Music192
- H - Social Sciences121
- HQ - The Family, Marriage, Woman44
- HV - Social Pathology, Social & Public Welfare, Criminology18
- HB - Economic Theory, Demography16
- HD - Industries, Land use, Labor7
- H - Social Sciences6
- HN - Social History & Conditions6
- HT - Communities, Classes, Races6
- HX - Socialism, Communism, Anarchism6
- HM - Sociology4
- HF - Commerce3
- F - History of the Americas (Local)119