Colophon: Getruckt vnnd volendet durch Johanne[m] Schot zu Strassburg, Am samstag von halbfasten. Anno &c. M.ccccc. jar.
Many woodcuts.
ExI copy has page from a Latin poem on grammar pasted on inside front cover.
Binding note
ExI copy bound in 15th century alum tawed pigskin, blind stamped.
ExI copy has coat of arms, with initials P.R. and date 1505, painted on inside of cover at end. This is probably Paulus Roth von Schreckenstein, Bürgermeister of Ulm.
ExI copy has inscription on t.-p.: Gehort den vattern zu Ulm als sÿ usszogen seind umb Francisci jm xxxj jor. [1531]
ExI copy has book plate of Adolf Trendelenburg.
Goff O-123
Other title(s)
Vier und zwenzig Alten
Statement on language in description
Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage.