Alfred de Marne "Épures de géométrie descriptive et d'architecture" album, 1829.

Marne, Alfred de. [Browse]
1 v. 45.5 x 29 cm (47 leaves)


Getty AAT genre
Biographical/​Historical note
Alfred de Marne was a student at l'École Royale Polytechnique in Paris who took descriptive geometry and architecture courses with Charles François Leroy and Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand.
Summary note
  • Bound album of drawing exercises completed by Alfred de Marne, a student taking Charles François Leroy's course in descriptive geometry and Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand's course in architecture at l'École Royale Polytechnique in Paris in 1829. The album includes manuscript and printed engraved drawings, along with a loosely inserted lithograph. Many of the exercises in the descriptive geometry course involve architecture, such as in stone cutting, architectural drawing, and shadow studies of components of a Doric portico. A number of the épures in the descriptive geometry course are based on engravings, such as the topographical studies and the outline of the Eddystone lighthouse that the student had to complete with pen and ink and watercolor washes. All plates aside from the loosely inserted lithograph have a blind stamp "E.R.P. 1829," de Marne's signature in ink, and a black stamp "École Polytechnique."
  • Manuscript and printed drawings include: (1) "Carte de France," pen and ink wash, double page; (2) Eddystone Lighthouse, pen and ink; (3) Eddystone Lighthouse, engraved outline with pen and ink and grey wash; (4-7) Numbered 1-4, mechanical movements and gears, pen and ink; (8-10) Numbered [5]-7, flour mill, hydraulic press, and steam engine, pen and ink and colored washes, first and last double page; (11-32) Numbered 1-22, architectural drawings in pen and ink and colored wash or graphite, many on engraved graph paper printed in orange ink; (33-40) "1ère-8e Concours," architectural drawings as above on engraved graph paper; (35a) Loosely inserted and to accompany the 3e Concours, "Église de Ste. Marie à Grasville près le Hâvre," lithograph signed "Frissard. Lith de Clouet, r. Jacob, 44. Paris"; (41-42) Pen and ink and grey wash, studies of shadows on a Tuscan capital and portico; (43-47) Three engraved "Études de Topographie" numbered 7, 15, and 11, the last signed "Lavé et Dessiné par Brune Gravé par F.P. Michel" with colored washes, the first two followed by similar pen and ink and wash drawings but not direct copies of the engravings.
Binding note
Contemporary roan backed boards, with leather label on upper board lettered "École Royale Polytechnique, 1ère Division, Année 1829, A. de Marne" and spine lettered "Épures."
Source acquisition
Purchase, 2016, with funds from Marquand Art Library. AM 2017-53.
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