Princeton University Library Catalog
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- In the Library2,842
- Online1,446
- Q - Science2,824
- T - Technology209
- B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion74
- P - Language & Literature65
- PN - Literature (General)22
- P - Language & Literature13
- PQ - French, Italian, Spanish & Portuguese Literature7
- PS - American Literature7
- PR - English Literature5
- PL - Languages & Literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania3
- PK - Indo-Iranian Languages & Literature2
- PT - Germanic & Scandinavian Literatures2
- PE - English Languages1
- PG - Slavic, Baltic, Albanian Languages, Russian Language & Literature1
- H - Social Sciences63
- HB - Economic Theory, Demography19
- HM - Sociology14
- HD - Industries, Land use, Labor11
- HF - Commerce5
- HT - Communities, Classes, Races5
- HQ - The Family, Marriage, Woman2
- HV - Social Pathology, Social & Public Welfare, Criminology2
- HX - Socialism, Communism, Anarchism2
- H - Social Sciences1
- HC - Economic History & Conditions1
- N - Fine Arts57
- G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation17
- R - Medicine17
- J - Political Science8
- M - Music7